Recherche Translationnelle en Oncogenèse Génito-Urinaire

Notre équipe s’intéresse à la Dermaseptine B2, un peptide isolé de la peau d’une rainette amazonienne qui , en plus de son activité antimicrobienne, présente un effet cytotoxique à la fois sur les cellules tumorales et sur les cellules endothéliales activées, sans toxicité pour les cellules normales. Les travaux actuels portent sur le décryptage du mécanisme d’action antitumoral et antiangiogène de la dermaseptine B2 ainsi que les études in vivo de la biodisponibilité, de la toxicité et de l’immunogénicité de ce peptide ou de l’un de ses analogues en vue de son utilisation dans la thérapie ciblée du cancer de la prostate métastatique résistant à la castration. Parallèlement à cette étude et conscient du besoin constant de rechercher de nouvelles molécules en cancérologie et en antibiothérapie, nos recherches visent à élaborer de nouveaux traitements pouvant cibler de manière plus sélective les tumeurs d’une part et les bactéries multirésistantes aux antibiotiques conventionnels, d’autre part. Dans ce contexte, nous envisageons de continuer à explorer la biodiversité peptidique dans l’espoir de caractériser des peptides de structure et d’activités innovantes.

Equipe «Recherche Translationnelle en Oncogenèse Génito-Urinaire » 

Resp. de l’équipe : Alexandre de LA TAILLE

Correspondant GDR : Mohamed AMICHE,

Adresse complète

Faculté de Médecine de Créteil

8, rue du Général SARRAIL – 94010 Créteil

Code unité





Adresse internet du laboratoire ou institut

Studies of the antitumor mechanism of action of dermaseptin B2, a multifunctional cationic antimicrobial peptide, reveal a partial implication of cell surface glycosaminoglycans

Dos Santos C., Hamadat S., Le Saux K, Newton C., Mazouni M., Zergarian L., Delbé J., Hamma-Kourbali Y. and Amiche M. (2017) Studies of the antitumor mechanism of action of dermaseptin B2, a multifunctional cationic antimicrobial peptide, reveal a partial implication of cell surface glycosaminoglycans. PLoS One (sous press).

Amphibian skin as source of therapeutic peptides

Amiche M (2016). Amphibian skin as source of therapeutic peptides Biol Aujourdhui. 210(2):101-17. doi: 10.1051/jbio/2016015. French.

Antitumor and angiostatic activities of the antimicrobial Peptide dermaseptin b2

Van Zoggel H., Carpentier G., Dos Santos C., Hamma-Kourbali Y., Courty J., Amiche M. and Delbé J. (2012) Antitumor and angiostatic activities of the antimicrobial Peptide dermaseptin b2, PLoS One.; 7(9): e44351. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0044351

Antitumor and angiostatic peptides from frog skin secretions

Van Zoggel H., Hamma-Kourbali Y., Galanth C., Ladram A., Nicolas P., Courty J., Amiche M. and Delbé J. (2012) Antitumor and angiostatic peptides from frog skin secretions, Amino acids, 42 :385-395. doi: 10.1007/s00726-010-0815-9

Dermaseptins as Models for the Elucidation of Membrane Acting Helical Amphipathic Antimicrobial peptides

Amiche M. and Galanth C. (2011) Dermaseptins as Models for the Elucidation of Membrane Acting Helical Amphipathic Antimicrobial peptides. journal Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, 12(8) : 1184-93. Review

Mechanism of Antibacterial Action of Dermaseptin B2 : interplay between helix−hinge−helix structure and membrane curvature strain

Galanth C., Abbassi F., Lequin O., Ayala−Sanmartin J., Ladram A., Nicolas P. and Amiche M. (2009) Mechanism of Antibacterial Action of Dermaseptin B2 : interplay between helix−hinge−helix structure and membrane curvature strain. Biochemistry Jan 20; 48(2):313−27. doi: 10.1021/bi802025a

Consistent nomenclature of antimicrobial peptides isolated from frogs of the subfamily Phyllomedusinae

Amiche M, Ladram A, Nicolas P. A (2008) consistent nomenclature of antimicrobial peptides isolated from frogs of the subfamily Phyllomedusinae. Peptides. 29 (11) : 2074−2082. Review

Isolation, characterization and molecular cloning of new temporins from the skin of the North African ranid Pelophylax saharica

Abbassi F, Oury B, Blasco T, Sereno D, Bolbach G, Nicolas P, Hani K, Amiche M, Ladram A. (2008) Isolation, characterization and molecular cloning of new temporins from the skin of the North African ranid Pelophylax saharica. Peptides 29(9):1526−1533.

Solution structure and model membrane interactions of temporins−SH, antimicrobial peptides from amphibian skin. A NMR spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry study

Abbassi F, Galanth C, Amiche M, Saito K, Piesse C, Zargarian L, Hani K, Nicolas P, Lequin O, Ladram A. (2008) Solution structure and model membrane interactions of temporins−SH, antimicrobial peptides from amphibian skin. A NMR spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry study. Biochemistry. 47 (40) :10513−10525. doi: 10.1021/bi8006884

The plasticins: membrane adsorption, lipid disorders, and biological activity

El Amri C, Lacombe C, Zimmerman K, Ladram A, Amiche M, Nicolas P, Bruston F. (2006) « The plasticins: membrane adsorption, lipid disorders, and biological activity. » Biochemistry. 45(48):14285 97.

The dermaseptins

P. Nicolas, M. Amiche (2006) « The dermaseptins » (Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides, Ed. AJ. Kastin, Elsevier, 295-304)

Dermaseptin S9, an a-helical antimicrobial peptide with a hydrophobic core and cationic termini

O. Lequin, A. Ladram, L. Chabbert, F. Bruston, O. Convert, D. Vanhoye, G. Chassaing P. Nicolas and M. Amiche (2006) « Dermaseptin S9, an a-helical antimicrobial peptide with a hydrophobic core and cationic termini» Biochemistry, 45 (2), 468-480.

Membrane association, electrostatic sequestration, and cytotoxicity of Gly-Leu-rich peptide orthologs with differing functions

Vanhoye, D., Bruston, F., El Amri, S., Ladram, A., Amiche, M., Nicolas, P. (2004) « Membrane association, electrostatic sequestration, and cytotoxicity of Gly-Leu-rich peptide orthologs with differing functions » Biochemistry , 43 (26) : 8391-8409.

Molecular strategies in biological evolution of amphibian antimicrobial peptides

Nicolas P., Vanhoye D. and Amiche M. (2003) « Molecular strategies in biological evolution of amphibian antimicrobial peptides » Peptides 24 :1669-80.

Antimicrobial peptides from hylid and ranin frogs originated from a 150-million-year-old ancestral precursor with a conserved signal peptide but a hypermutable antimicrobial domain.

Vanhoye D, Bruston F, Nicolas P, Amiche M . (2003) « Antimicrobial peptides from hylid and ranin frogs originated from a 150-million-year-old ancestral precursor with a conserved signal peptide but a hypermutable antimicrobial domain. » Eur J Biochem. May;270(9):2068-81.

solation of dermatoxin from frog skin, an antibacterial peptide encoded by a novel member of the dermaseptin genes family

Amiche, M. Séon, A.A.,Wroblewski, H. and Nicolas, P. (2000) « Isolation of dermatoxin from frog skin, an antibacterial peptide encoded by a novel member of the dermaseptin genes family » Eur. J. Biochem. 267, 4583-4592.

Structure, Synthesis and Molecular Cloning of -Dermaseptin

Charpentier, S., Amiche, M., Mester, J., Vouille, V., Le Caer, J.P., Delfour, A. and Nicolas, P. (1998) « Structure, Synthesis and Molecular Cloning of -Dermaseptins B, a Family of Skin Peptide Antibiotics. » J. Biol. Chem. 73/24, 1469014697.

Isolation, amino acid sequence, synthesis and activity of dermaseptin b, a novel defensive peptide from frog skin.

Mor, A., Amiche, M. and Nicolas, P. (1994) « Isolation, amino acid sequence, synthesis and activity of dermaseptin b, a novel defensive peptide from frog skin. » Biochemistry 33,6642-6650.

Precursors of vertebrate peptide antibiotics, dermaseptin b and adenoregulin show considerable sequence identities with precursors for the opioid peptides, dermorphin, dermenkephalin and deltorphins.

Amiche, M., Ducancel, F., Mor, A., Boulain, J.C., Menez, A. and Nicolas, P. (1994) « Precursors of vertebrate peptide antibiotics, dermaseptin b and adenoregulin show considerable sequence identities with precursors for the opioid peptides, dermorphin, dermenkephalin and deltorphins. » J. Biol. Chem 269 N°27,17847-17852.


Analyse peptidomique, synthèse peptidique et purification, tests antibactériens, culture cellulaire (tests de prolifération et de toxicité cellulaire, tests d’invasion et de migration), xénogreffe tumorale chez souris atymiques, cytometrie de flux, microscopie confocale.

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